AgriSearch Innovations was founded in 2020 from the combination of the experience gained in the previous twenty years of professional activity by Massimiliano Landini and Riccardo Signor, and the modern IT approach.

The AgriSearch Innovations Test facility in 2020 was recognized by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies as suitable for conducting official field tests in GEP with plant protection products. Our tests are aimed at obtaining information: on the efficacy of plant protection products; on the appearance or eventual development of resistance; on the impact on the quantitative and / or qualitative yield; on phytotoxicity of target plants and plant products; on the observation of undesirable side effects.
According to Art. 64, Presidential Decree 382/1980 AgriSearch Innovations is registered in the National Research Registry (ANR) Art. 64, comma 1, DPR 11 luglio 1980 n. 382 e with code 001807_IMPR.


With scientific approach and rigor, we support companies in the agrochemical and seed-nursery sector in the development and study of the effectiveness of products for professional and hobby agriculture, such as: crop protection products, fertilizers, biostimulants.