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"The experimentation techniques must be adapted according to the type of product we are experimenting with”. This is the approach that Landini Massimiliano had been taking since 2002 and that he is pursuing every day at Agrisearch Innovations...
The experimentation techniques must be adapted according to the type of product we are experimenting with”. This is the approach that Massimiliano Landini had been taking since 2002 and that he is pursuing every day at Agrisearch Innovations.
Without indications given by the manufacturer, Agrisearch Innovations evaluates, before proceeding, the best experimentation technique to try to measure the expected effects. Agrisearch Innovations continuously adapts the measurement sample base by carefully choosing the experimental methodology of the survey or measurement. Any measurement carried out in an incorrect way or on an organ not carefully chosen, may return data of little technical and practical relevance or with low statistical significance. This is valid from the simplest measurements made with a gauge or chlorophyll meter to the most complex measurement of the parameters of a fluorometer or of the root surface.
Agrisearch Innovations firmly believes that the scientific approach to experimenting with your specialties is the most direct, economical and rewarding way in the future. Providing robust data to support every claim that is made in the final report is a basic principle that we carry forward with pride.